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Featured Resorts


Cofresi Palms Beach & Spa Resort
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
from $105 $300
5479 reviews

Presidential Suites
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
from $115 $311
769 reviews

Cypress Pointe Grande Villas Resort
Orlando, USA
from $550 $250
per suite per night2515 reviews

Sauipe Resorts
Mata de Sao Joao, Brazil
from $550 $250
per suite per night15949 reviews

Cancun Las Vegas, a Hilton Vacation Club
Las Vegas, USA
from $550 $250
per suite per night1557 reviews

Lifestyle Holidays Hotels & Resorts
Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
from $65 $241
6270 reviews
Spryr Short Stays

Legacy Vacation Club Orlando - Oaks
Kissimmee, USA
from $130
per suite per night

Holiday Inn Club Vacations Holiday Hills
Branson, USA
from $550 $250
per suite per night770 reviews

Club Ocean Villas II
Ocean City, USA
from $74
per suite per night
Sunrise Cove at Village West
Spirit Lake, USA
from $74
per suite per nightIt's your vacation.
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